Stay visible when the dusk falls in and darkness takes control over your ride. Stand out during every nightly ride. With our reliable Aurora Bike light you stay visible for others and they stay visible for you.
All our lights are built to last. This means not only their lifetime is long, but also their burn time and intensity stay as good as when first used.
At AURORA we have different types of lights. These lights are specially made to be the perfect light for your ride.
The approach was almost routine: there was an established commercial chain selling bicycle lights across Europe. While the new product range was of high quality, it lacked a cohesive brand identity to support the sales strategy. This is where we stepped in.
We received a large box of products labeled with nondescript item numbers like “xny-112341,” which are difficult to market in the commercial arena.
We unpacked everything in the middle of the room and began categorizing the product range based on the provided data sheets. It quickly became apparent that this project required more than just basic marketing tweaks.
First, we needed to define categories that would be easily understood by the target audience. At first glance, we had to address not just the general audience but also sub-segments, with considerations for usage and pricing.
From this line of thinking, we eventually developed four main categories for the Aurora bike lights: Hobby, Urban, Xterra, and Lifestyle. Additionally, one product, due to its impressive features, was given a distinctive name: the Beast.
Each of these categories was identified with unique emblems and logos, and we conducted a dedicated creative photoshoot for each. As a result, we had a wealth of resource material alongside the technical descriptions provided by the client.
In addition to the usual social media and other platform presentations, it was important to create a high-quality promotional material for partner discussions. The creative photoshoot thus also served the purpose of product photography. This led to the creation of the Aurora bike light catalog, which we provided in both online and offline formats to ensure versatility in various contexts.
In summary, we concluded an excellent project, parting ways with the completion of the website upload. Now, these lights can be found on the shelves of Decathlon stores in Germany, France, and Sweden. We take pride in knowing that, alongside the exceptional quality of the product and a superb sales strategy, our efforts turned a box of lights into a brand and product that is easier to sell in this exciting market.
Incorporated in England and Wales
Company registration number: 15256102
Hova House
1 Hova Villas
Brighton & Hove